Why WOMEN NEED TO STOP TREATING WORK LIKE SCHOOL, OkCupid hooks you up with random sex, Elliott Smith covering the Kinks, and more...LINKLETTES - The week in sexy.
FBF - An occasional slide show where i fantasize about the virtues of men who will never be my real boyfriend.
The inaugural fake boyfriend is, obviously, Paul Newman. Because he may be the most awesome dude that ever lived. Here are The Top 6 Reasons Paul Newman is better than your real boyfriend:
Blue Eyes
There is a 99% chance that Paul Newman had sexier eyes than your boyfriend. Oh? Your boyfriend has nice eyes? No he doesn't slash I don't care.
In fact, there's almost no chance that anyone you know is better looking than Paul Newman.
According to Wikipedia: With writer A. E. Hotchner, Newman founded Newman's Own, a line of food products, in 1982. The brand started with salad dressing, and has expanded to include pasta sauce, lemonade, popcorn, salsa, and wine, among other things. Newman established a policy that all proceeds, after taxes, would be donated to charity. As of 2010, the franchise has donated in excess of $300 million. He co-wrote a memoir about the subject with Hotchner, Shameless Exploitation in Pursuit of the Common Good.
That is merely a fraction of the charitable work he did with his fame.